So..I got the desire to write a new blog today, and noticed that I haven't posted one since march...Good job me. Haha
I've decided that this blog is now going to heavily incorporate, my diet and exercise on my way to my weight goal of 230lbs.
So since march, I have lost another 10 lbs going from 265 down to 255lbs and to be honest with myself and you, I haven't been giving it my 100%. I make an honest effort to eat healthy, pick out smart and healthier foods. Stay active and work out at least 3 times a week with my kettlebell, (for cardio) and lifting weights around 5 times a week.
I've started to feel like I'm plateauing as far as weight loss, which could be attributed to my diet/caloric intake, or my lack of good hard cardio haha. I'll be more honest with myself, its the ladder of the two. Cardio is something I want to get into and love.
I can say that this journey thus far has been entirely for me, it took realizing that no one was going to do the work for me, they may help me, encouragement, etc. But it had to be for me and me wanting it. Thats the drive that pushed me into getting into shape and I can honestly say, I've never looked better or felt as good as I do now.
My new short term goal, ontop of the 3 kettlebell workouts a week, start riding a bicycle or running for at least 3 days a week as well. I'm hoping this added cardio work will 1) Get me in better cardiovascular shape. 2) Help me shed the fat I have left.
Heres to 25lbs more.
Check back soon for my roasted red pepper quinoa recipe. Its delicious and packed full of flavor.