Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Better at finding the right words to say

You don't even know the things I would say, on my mind each and every single day.

Whats up everybody, so like 2 of you... LOL

I'm currently in study mode andddd running out of energy. I'm sorry I'm not all proper grammer and spelling in these.. this shit should have auto correct LOL.

Do you guys ever have something come into your life and it just puts you in a tremendously better mood? Happened to me the other day and I have to say, it was a welcome change of pace! I have excitement where there was none, fun and laughter when i felt lonely and life was boring. I'll report back on that as more develops.

In closing,
It is not the destination, but the adventure that gets you there that is important.

Until next time,


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Days Go By

I start off tonight, with the question, Do you think one person can make a difference in the world of today? 

This question has been weighing on my mind in recent days, I found myself asking, do i do enough for my fellow humans? Am I as nice as I should be? I clearly take time for granted, thinking that there is never enough of it sometimes and knowing that there is always going to be a later. I've decided to start doing the things that I've been putting off in my life, such as travelling, trying things outside of my comfort zone and setting goals and accomplishing them. So far, its led to a happier, slightly more driven me and for that, I'd say its baby steps in the right direction. 

There is something calming about night time to me. Peace and quiet I imagine, never having much of it during a day really makes you yearn for it other times. To just sit and reflect on yourself and life, is another form of cleansing oneself. It puts you in a position where you can't give yourself any excuses to not face the things that are weighing on your mind. Its really helpful for me sometimes. 

"Laughter is an instant vacation" - Milton Berle

Motivational quote = Success

And with that, I say goodnight.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Appreciation, or lack thereof.

Civilization. What can we say about it? Fast paced. Opinionated. Selfish. Ridiculous etc etc etc. You get my point. Its tough to focus on the good points about what our civilization has accomplished because the vast majority of civilization is focused inwards and on ourselves. In my opinion this causes us to block out the negative things in our own lives, with negative things from others and to never really come to terms with the negative things in our lives.

Plenty of good has come from us, as well as plenty of bad. Humans are a virus, a virus with a conscious that we clearly ignore. We grow, adapt, fight, and survive. This is basic instincts 101.

I don't even know if i really have the right to be speaking on such broad terms, but this is just how i'm viewing society. We're selfish, media influenced (even if we don't realize it), and don't deserve what we have. We are a non-unified nation, that seems about as together and willing to work with one another, as two rival armies waiting for one wrong word said. Why is the concept of a unified planet so hard to come by? It is just constant back and forth bullshit with so many countries. I understand, land disputes, security factors, uneasiness with up and coming nations. But we were all up and coming nations at one point, bombs, bigger bombs, atom bombs, nuclear bombs, you get the idea. 

The UN, stands for something...doesn't it? Unbelievably naive? We could accomplish so much more as a people if we could only stop with the selfishness. In my opinion, yes, maybe if the USA goes bankrupt, they'll stop being the bully of the world and open their wasteful eyes. Alternate energy, who stopped its research and development? Oil companies, where are said oil companies generally located? USA. Who wont stand up to them and say, STOP KILLING THE FUCKING PLANET AND ATMOSPHERE! Hardly anyone.

In the early 90s, there was "EV" offered by a number of different auto manufacturers, GM and Honda for examples. Both were all electric, and both had ranges of around 200-300 MILES. The battery technology was there, the electric cars were there. What happened? Oil companies bought the company that developed the battery technology, and began producing much less efficient batteries only offering 100-150 miles of range.

Did you know? Electric cars were around in the early 1900s, being the preferred means of transport over gas vehicles, due to the electrics being quieter and a smoother ride. What happened there? Oil Companies. Most major North American cities, had electric trolley systems throughout the city. Who bought and destroyed and replaced them? Oil companies? Nope, GM, who opened a "ghost" company that built city buses, what'd they do with the trolley cars? Scrapped.

How are these mega companies, still around and still doing these obscene ridiculous acts?! Think of where we could be right now if it wasn't for this hindrance holding back the human race. Don't get me wrong I LOVE CARS and gas motors. But instead of technology being made to develop useful things, we are now counter-productively, going to have to figure out how to save our planet before we can really progress further technologically as well as a species. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

Autumn, my favorite time of year

Good evening readers, this is your host, Nathan.

Autumn weather is upon us, those overcast days and brisk damp afternoons. Sweater season is upon us. Do you have a favourite sweater? I do its some thermo thing, super warm lining deal. Its cozy. 

With the cold reminders of whats to come (winter wtf), it makes you appreciate a warm camp fire a little bit more, if you know what im saying. A nice warm hot chocolate or tea, or a nice firm manly shot of jack daniels. That puts hair on your chest let me tell ya. Its the last few months as canadians we can do alot of outdoor things. I guess what im trying to say is, just get out there, even just for a walk, and its almost that time for leafs to start changing color, and thats just never a bad sight. 

Thanksgiving and halloween, I  don't know if any other time of year can really top that kind of delicious holdiay samplings, not to mention halloween is always kickass. I think this year i'm going to carve a badass pumpkin, and im going to try and find, a HUGE motherfuckin pumpkin. But what should I carve. Any suggestions? 

Halloween too, costume ideas so far, have none. I wanted to go as a storm trooper last year but found out how expensive/hard to find stormtrooper armor is...b.s. I think i want to wear a cape this year. But who knows lol, i'll question some ppl. 

Do you have a fondness for pie? I do. Random? Yea, i agree. But its a good topic. I'm a huge fan of pie, most notably pumpkin pie, its what i look forward to most each thanksgiving. haha

So in closing, heres to welcoming another autumn, and hopefully its a good one.