Monday, April 1, 2013

Workouts in the home #1 Push Ups

I come to you this evening after having just finished a kettlebell and body weight exercise workout. The ladder of which I would like to touch base with you readers today. Regardless of losing the weight that I have, I still find that if I do push ups in a palm down manner, that I do end up with some pain in the wrists. At 220lbs that's a fair amount of weight on the wrists.

There are a few options that you can choose from that will help you do push ups in a safer way. I personally own these. Cheap, effective, everything you need. I believe I paid $14 CDN at Walmart for these. These allow you to have your wrists aligned properly with your arm, giving you a much more solid base and saves your wrist joints!

Option 2 consists of the Hex Dumbell. This is a very good option despite the price increases, you get more versatility this way, as you can now do dumbell exercises! Yay!

Option 3 would be the Doorway Pull Up Bar. This you get MAXIMUM bang for your buck. With some being relatively cheap but flimsy,  while others are higher priced but much more sturdy. You can do your wide, parallel and close grip pull ups as well as dips, deep push ups and crunches.

All three of these options would be a great way to help keep your joints healthy and get maximum range on your push ups. Something to consider for you at home fitness peeps or for those not quite comfortable enough to the hit the gym yet.

Up next: Squats, the wonder exercise.

Friday, March 1, 2013

I've neglected this

Well hey there, I'm back from my quite long hiatus.

We can all benefit from some regular routine exercise. I know you heard it as a child and thought nothing of it. More than likely because you were active enough as a child to accommodate the amount of calories you were taking in at the time.

Fast forward to present time, you're life, has more than likely gotten alot less "fun" and alot more "work. Active job, office job, whatever job you have, you can still benefit from some exercise, 3 days a week, 20 minutes a day. Now I don't know a single person that literally has no time in their day that they can put in 20 minutes to help better themselves. If you don't, good god, i'd hate to see your schedule. Moving on.

Now its as simple as, if your watching tv, do pushups until you can't do anymore. Then do squats, then do crunches, then do abs. By the time your favourite program is finished. You'll have gotten a 30 minute workout in. "But I didn't lift weights! This isn't working out!" Pardon me? One of the best and healthiest ways of working out is using your natural body weight. You walk around with it, deal with it everyday, now all your doing is, high reps of 0 weight.

No your muscle size won't get huge and jacked, but you will notice that you feel lighter on your feet, you'll feel more stable and have better balance. You'll get toned up, you'll have more energy, and you will feel alot better overall, mentally, physically and spiritually.

We're animals that were never supposed to be cooped up in an office and not be active. We developed as humans by running after our prey, sometimes for days, until we could jam a spear in its side and eat the hell out of that beast.

Just try it. You'll like!