Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Technological Age

We as a species has arrived at a point, where technology may as well be considered another life form on this planet.Today the Reasearch in Motion servers (blackberrys) crashed apparently, leaving thousands without BBM, as well as blackberry emails and such for those that use that feature. Now, the outrage people expressed was....alot to say the least. Its crazy how connected and involved technology is with us, not just in our lives, but its literally almost like an attachment for our bodies it seems like.

Today though we have developed the technology to improve ourselves as well. There are robotic limbs that work like our hands do, perform all the functions we can. Also there is even cybernetic eyes now. Heres some mind blowing stuff, Read that, craziness.

In short, technology, despite not being self aware yet, is clearly evolving along with us, getting more complex, and more impressvie everytime something new is developed.

p.s. Theres two Artificial Intellegence computers developed now in the world, and they apparently hooked them together, and the first thing they started doing to each other was lie to each other. Learned well from us eh?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Negative, never the answer.

Hey there interwebs.

Now I'm negative, I won't try and deny it, but I've seen the pros of being positive towards situations. The thing that i find lacking alot of the time in people and in our conversations, is the use of the unnecessary. How many times have you been in a conversation or a debate on a subject, and the people your talking with start pulling down negative "what if" statements and try to swing the conversation in their favor. Whether its putting down the other person's or trying to make their own side of the conversation or debate seem more appealing, or more important. I will not have any of this speculation and craziness in my conversations, if you want to talk to me, talk to me with facts and clear statements.

There is so much that we don't understand about everything, lets be honest here. There were times when Antarctica wasn't covered in ice, islands that were swallowed by the oceans because of rising levels and at a time when the technology wasn't there, they built the pyramids as well as other great structures. These are just a few of the bewilderments of the world, will the mysteries of the world ever have answers presented for them? Negativity will not get us there, and negativity will not unite our race as it needs to be.

Human beings are at a density now that, we have lost our responsibility. We were never meant to live in groups of thousands, we used to be groups of 50 hunting only what we needed to survive, there was a doctor for x amount of people, there was a blacksmith for x amount of people. The co-efficient of population is way off, instead of being 20:1 its now 5000:1 or more!

Our way of life will be changing in the next few years, that I promise you.

Till next time,
