Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Diet change, and the effect it can have.

The biggest issue I've encountered in my quest to better myself, is people's food choices and diet structure. Simple things that can lead to losing the pounds that just seem to stick with us.

This is all personal experience and opinions, take it as you want.

My biggest change came from a single sentence that stood out to me. "Breakfast, is the fuel we need in our empty fuel tank every morning." I adjusted my diet accordingly, making breakfast my priority meal of the day, lunch being medium, and dinner being small.

My breakfasts usually consist of a 2 egg spinach, tomato and goat cheese omelette. Eggs are great sources of protein, which will help keep you full longer. With a piece of whole grain toast.

Breakfast is probably the biggest change I have made to my life besides cutting out as much bad food as possible. Having a larger breakfast and smaller subsequent meals has resulted in me not being as hungry throughout the day, but also less hungry at each individual meal. My overall energy in a day has increased as well, coming home I'd be tired at 7 pm give or take, now I have enough energy at any time to do whatever I want and not be phased by it.

I've lost 30lbs after making this change to my diet. I'll go more in depth into the foods I eat and make in the next entry. Set goals for yourself just make sure they're reasonable, it all starts with your mindset and whether you want to do it for yourself. Diet is only one part of the big equation, sadly, hard work is involved too.

Next time, breakfast avec moi, expect it up tomorrow night!

1 comment:

  1. Very true bro. i don't care about the losing wight part, but the energy one is a major one for me!
